How Online Advertising has developed and the Importance it Continues to Hold Today.

Ever wondered how or when the concept of online advertising came to be? Going back all the way to 1994, the first ever “banner advertisement” was released. Twelve years later “digital advertisements” started creating much hype, as social media started to rise. This year saw the rise of Facebook, and still to this day it continues to be one of the biggest social media platforms worldwide. 

In terms of online advertising, 2006 experienced the concept of advertising through social media platforms, such as Facebook. Similarly, to today’s day and age. The world of online advertising is only getting bigger and bigger with statistics in January 2022 showing that Facebook has over “17,000,000 monthly users” within Australia. This number is only increasing, thus the significance it holds when it comes to advertising.

It is clear to say we have come a long way in terms of online advertising. Recently companies have been using nostalgia to advertise their product. Bringing up old advertisements from the past to connect with the viewers, directly giving them a warm sensation relating back to better times. Instantly the viewers are engaged. This tactic continues to be very popular. 

The Top Five Best Platforms for Online Advertising from 2020 are,

  1. Google Ads
  2. Bing Ads
  3. Facebook Ads : As elaborated on earlier, Facebook was and continues to still be one of the best platforms to advertise on. With a major following of varies age group, it is evident this platform has been extremely successful.
  4. Instagram Ads: With “10,000,000 monthly users” in Australia active on this platform.
  5. Twitter Ads: Nearly half the amount of Instagram, Twitter sees around “5,800,000 monthly users” in Australia as of January 2022.

Google Logo

  1. Google Logo

The numerical statistics listed above showcase the large number of users who use these social media platforms monthly and how important they are for businesses to use when advertising a product.

4 responses to “How Online Advertising has developed and the Importance it Continues to Hold Today.”

  1. Hi Lilli! I loved the background you gave to this piece, and how you gave us an insight into the history of what your article is about. One thing I would really like to see is maybe some pictures to break up the words and give a visual aspect to the piece. I think the list of platforms at the end of the post was a nice extra touch! Paris

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey!
    Really awesome blog post. I really enjoyed reading how online advertising has evolved over time and its significance into our present. One piece of advice I would offer would be to just break up your text a bit more (so minor, since the way you wrote this was amazing). Apart from that, really great effort! -Adri

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Lillii, I love your blog and can see your background research into the topic throughout which adds lots of value. I especially appreciated the list of the best platforms to use for advertising, it provided nice insight. I am a visual learner and would have loved to see something interactive, perhaps a short youtube clip or diagram of some sort. Other than that I like how the writing is not too serious which helps with the flow. Great work

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great Blog post Lili!
    Love the use of statistics and evidence to back up your writing. Your writing also flows very nicely it was wrote with perfection. I loved learning about the history of advertising and how it has changed and adapted in todays society, I was able to get a real insight into the topic. Just a quick bit of advice for next time, you could use some images to back up your evidence (like an example each for a Google, bing, Facebook ad etc). Also, when finishing your post you could summarise the article with all your main points. Can’t wait for the next read!!


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